July 6, 2011

"The Road, To the White House"

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There's probably a joke out there somewhere about this: that all the claims in the world Democrats make about protecting abortion rights won't matter when we all have to eat babies anyway. I suppose a similar analogy would be about what a great job Obama has been doing protecting unicorn grazing lands from strip mining, but I know that you readers expect quality and so baby-eating it is.

I'm of course loathe to defer to hard-right conservatives as usually anything they say in the form of "advice" is "advice" that is actually spelled with the air quotes. And yet here we have former Bushie David Frum laying out the case that the President is highly responsible for letting the country collapse into ruin because, well, he decided that for three years he was going to pretend that Republicans would get bored, I guess, with winning massive landslides through doing nothing. I would love to sit here and discuss how Frum is completely wrong about how the Democrats have completely capitulated on the debt battle and barely deserve a ration of baby, let alone our votes, but damned if I can think of a reason why.

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Posted by August J. Pollak at 11:15 PM

July 5, 2011

Broadcast delays

Holiday weekends, amazingly, screw everything up. There is indeed a Monday comic. You're just getting it Wednesday evening. Sorry folks.

Posted by August J. Pollak at 10:34 PM

July 4, 2011

And now President Bill Clinton kicking ass at My Little Pony trivia

Happy birthday, America.

Posted by August J. Pollak at 11:16 PM