March 2, 2009

The endless weekend

This weekend a particularly nasty malware virus decided to completely destroy my computer, with my Sunday mostly devoted to having to wipe my hard drive and re-install everything, only to discover I might have to do it all over again.

Not worth the time or my frustrations to get into the details, but with much regret this week's comic is canceled on the grounds of having had neither the time or actual equipement to produce it, and there will be little to no posting until I can get everything fixed. I'm 99% sure I haven't lost any actual data but I don't even have PhotoShop or e-mail working just yet, so at this point let's hope there can actually be a comic next week. Gonna take me a while to fix this during the week since I have to go to my job while I still have that.

Yes, it's pretty much a lovely week already. Yes sir.

Posted by August J. Pollak at 8:39 AM